
Ministerial Training Institute of the OPC

The 1998 and 1999 General Assemblies approved the Committee on Christian Education’s plan to establish a Ministerial Training Institute of the OPC (MTIOPC). Dr. James S. Gidley laid out some of MTIOPC’s distinctives in the March 1999 New Horizons article “What Is the MTIOPC?”

MTIOPC is designed primarily to provide men who are preparing for gospel ministry (men under care, licentiates) and current OP ministers with instruction supplemental to that which they might receive in seminary. Others, including OP ruling elders, ministers from other denominations, and men in other denominations training for the ministry, also benefit from this instruction. MTIOPC grants continuing education credits at several Reformed seminaries. For information on current course offerings visit the links below.

2025 Spring Courses

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