02/08/2025 - Consider Short-Term Missions in 2025
02/01/2025 - 2025 Shiloh Institute: Register Now! Deadline Is April 15.
01/25/2025 - Floods, Fire, and War: OPC Disaster Response
01/15/2025 - The Reformed Deacon: Practical Disaster Response
01/06/2025 - Spring 2025 MTIOPC Courses
12/28/2024 - New Ruling Elder Podcast: Christ Freely Offered
12/23/2024 - Show Us The Father
12/15/2024 - Help is Needed in North Carolina!
12/10/2024 - Maximize Your Impact: Year-End Financial Planning
12/01/2024 - Trinity Psalter Hymnal at Seven Years Old
10/21/2024 - 2024 Thank Offering:Foreign Missions
10/15/2024 - New Ruling Elder Podcast: Encouraging Congregational Singing
09/30/2024 - Hurricane Helene Fund Now Open!
09/23/2024 - Crates for Ukraine 4.0
09/15/2024 - New Ruling Elder PodcastElders and Better Preaching
09/09/2024 - The Reformed Deacon: The Heart of a Deacon
09/02/2024 - Forced to Pray on the Boardwalk
08/23/2024 - New Episode of The Reformed Deacon
08/19/2024 - New Ruling Elder PodcastElder Spotlight: David Watson
08/15/2024 - New Ruling Elder PodcastElders and Better Preaching
08/07/2024 - General Assembly Calls for a Day of Fasting and Prayer
07/23/2024 - The Nurture and Admonition of the Lord
07/15/2024 - New Ruling Elder Podcast:Covenant Theology
07/07/2024 - Three New Episodes of The Reformed Deacon Podcast
06/20/2024 - 90th General Assembly Daily Report (2024)
06/15/2024 - New Ruling Elder Podcast:Prescription Medication
06/08/2024 - Loving Those in Prison
06/01/2024 - What Is a Presbyterian?
05/22/2024 - Let Us Do Good to Everyone
05/18/2024 - New Ruling Elder PodcastElder Spotlight - Sanjay Patel
05/08/2024 - Our Devotion to God
04/29/2024 - President Wilson and Early OP Missions
04/15/2024 - New Ruling Elder PodcastNatural Law and Ruling Elders
04/08/2024 - Two New Episodes of The Reformed Deacon
03/28/2024 - The Devourer Devoured
03/21/2024 - New Trinity Psalter Hymnal App Tutorial
03/09/2024 - New OPC Short-Term Missions Opportunity Now Open!
03/01/2024 - Two New Episodes of The Reformed Deacon
02/10/2024 - John Knox—Prophet and Pastor
02/01/2024 - Two New Episodes of The Reformed Deacon
01/22/2024 - The Lord Provides in Tragedy
01/15/2024 - New Ruling Elder Podcast:Responding to Domestic Abuse
01/03/2024 - On the Occasion of the New Year
12/22/2023 - Christ’s Humiliation
12/15/2023 - How Ruling Elders Can Help Deacons
12/08/2023 - The Blessing of Minority Life
12/01/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast Episode 9:The Elder's Work for the Church
10/24/2023 - 2023 Thank Offering: Christian Education Video
10/15/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast Episode 9: Importance of the Westminster Standards
10/04/2023 - New Episodes of The Reformed Deacon
09/27/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast Episode 8:Helping and Encouraging Deacons
09/22/2023 - New Episode of The Reformed Deacon: The Privilege of Serving the Elderly
09/15/2023 - Crates for Ukraine 3.0
09/06/2023 - 2024 Timothy Conference
08/24/2023 - Prayer and Our Missions
08/20/2023 - New Episode of The Reformed Deacon: Provisional Diaconates in Church Plants
08/12/2023 - Great Lakes Reformed Conference 2023
08/04/2023 - Help is Needed in Vermont!
07/25/2023 - All things Work Together for Good To Those Who Love God
07/16/2023 - Deacons Wait Tables at Their New Church
07/05/2023 - The Reformed Deacon Podcast: A Deacon’s Personal Library
06/29/2023 - A Dishonest Man: A Study in Christian Ethics
06/22/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast: Episode 6
06/07/2023 - 89th General Assembly Daily Report (2023)
05/25/2023 - Bloody Husband: A Study of a Significant Event in the Life of Moses
05/15/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast: Episode 5
05/05/2023 - New Episode of The Reformed Deacon
04/20/2023 - MTIOPC Summer Course
04/15/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast: Episode 4
04/04/2023 - He Lives
03/27/2023 - How the Local Church Is Ruled
03/15/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast: Episode 3
03/09/2023 - New Episodes of The Reformed Deacon
03/02/2023 - Six Months after Kentucky’s Thousand-Year Flood
02/20/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast: Episode 2
02/10/2023 - Earthquake Relief for Turkey
01/30/2023 - 2023 Shiloh Institute
01/15/2023 - Ruling Elder Podcast
01/07/2023 - Crates for Ukraine
12/27/2022 - The Humor of God
12/09/2022 - Ukraine Awareness Month
11/30/2022 - Witnesses to Christ
11/17/2022 - Thank Offering Video: Foreign Missions
11/07/2022 - Thank Offering Video: Home Missions
10/21/2022 - Thank Offering Video: Christian Education
09/26/2022 - New Possibilities in Neon
09/15/2022 - Women's Presbyterial
09/03/2022 - The Boardwalk Chapel Dedicates New Buildings
08/22/2022 - The Catechism of the Westminster Assembly
07/30/2022 - Raging Flood Waters in Neon, Kentucky
06/30/2022 - Total Depravity and Psalm 14
06/10/2022 - 2022 General Assembly Report
05/25/2022 - Diaconal Summit IV: June 2-4, 2022
05/11/2022 - The Name of God
04/20/2022 - How Does a Minister Make Financial Decisions?
03/20/2022 - The Christian Attitude Towards War
03/17/2022 - The Church in a Time of War
03/04/2022 - Ministry to Crisis in Ukraine
02/24/2022 - An Inspirational, Interactive Gathering for Deacons
02/15/2022 - 2022 Shiloh Institute: Register Now! April 15 is the deadline
02/03/2022 - And They Crucified Him
01/25/2022 - OPC MISSIONARY DEACON UPDATE: Showing Mercy in One of the Poorest Regions of the World
01/14/2022 - Leapfrog Your Ministry this Spring with MTIOPC
01/01/2022 - New Gospel Tracts Available!
12/21/2021 - Born of the Virgin Mary
12/02/2021 - OPC Short-Term Missions are Making a Comeback in 2022
11/12/2021 - Thank Offering Video: Christian Education
11/01/2021 - Thank Offering Video: Home Missions
10/12/2021 - Thank Offering Video: Foreign Missions
09/30/2021 - Sunny California Welcomes MTIOPC
09/25/2021 - Personal Evangelism: Every Christian Should be a Missionary
09/01/2021 - OPC Disaster Response Update
08/24/2021 - The Bible Versus Conservatism
08/23/2021 - Summer Reading: Choosing the Good Portion
08/17/2021 - Day of Prayer and Fasting on Saturday, August 21, 2021
07/21/2021 - New Gospel Tracts
07/09/2021 - General Assembly Report
06/26/2021 - Lemonade from Lemons: Continuing the Conversation 2021
06/21/2021 - Welcome to the OPC
06/11/2021 - The Relevance of the Theocracy
06/01/2021 - The Faith of Abraham
05/14/2021 - Trinity Psalter Hymnal iOS App Now Available!
05/07/2021 - Who Helps the Local Deacon?
04/29/2021 - MTIOPC Helps Churches Minister to Those with Disabilities
04/16/2021 - Our Ministry in Sickness
04/06/2021 - Resurrection
03/21/2021 - Music in the Worship of God
03/07/2021 - Combating Communism
02/23/2021 - Do Not Lie to One Another
02/15/2021 - 2021 Shiloh Institute: Register Now! April 15 is the deadline.
02/06/2021 - Love and Longevity
01/25/2021 - Evangelism Opportunities at the Boardwalk Chapel
01/19/2021 - Lest We Forget: Now Available on Audiobook
01/12/2021 - How Much Should We Pay Our Pastor? An Introduction to the Pastoral Compensation Tool
01/05/2021 - Insomnia better than Amnesia
12/28/2020 - Finding Joy in Sacrificial Love
12/15/2020 - Christ in Christmas
11/28/2020 - Introducing the Grace Internship Fund
11/21/2020 - Fear & Faith in the Age of COVID
11/11/2020 - Thank Offering Video: Foreign Missions
10/31/2020 - Thank Offering Video: CHMCE
10/21/2020 - Thank Offering Video: Christian Education
10/03/2020 - A Ministry Without Anxiety
09/17/2020 - I am a Doer of Little Things
09/09/2020 - A Kingdom of Truth
08/24/2020 - The OPC Impacted by Tropical Storm Isaias
08/20/2020 - A Plea for Peace
08/11/2020 - How to Cope with Life’s Frustrations
08/04/2020 - River of Life Food Pantry: How One Church Is Serving the Needy in Jesus' Name
07/30/2020 - Do Not Lie to One Another
07/20/2020 - Speaking the Truth
07/11/2020 - Six Principles of Reformed Worship
07/06/2020 - Archaeologists of Our Own Lives
06/29/2020 - A Kingdom Perspective on Stewardship
06/16/2020 - OPC Disaster Response Aids in Midland, MI
06/10/2020 - Shepherding Jesus' Lambs From a Distance
06/05/2020 - God’s Purpose in Our Suffering
05/30/2020 - Midland, Michigan Flooding: OPC Disaster Response Update
05/26/2020 - GCP Helping Families Teach Kids During Coronavirus
05/21/2020 - New Resources for Ministers
05/16/2020 - MTIOPC Summer 2020
05/08/2020 - COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund Update
05/02/2020 - Genuine Faith Is Always Personal, but Never Private
04/25/2020 - Music to Your Ears
04/21/2020 - Recent Books in Church History
04/17/2020 - General Assembly Postponed
04/14/2020 - The Validity of Online Giving?
04/11/2020 - COVID-19 Pandemic Response (CPR) Fund
04/07/2020 - Muddling On Through
04/02/2020 - Virtual Church Meetings in a Time of Plague
03/30/2020 - COVID 19: A Short-Term Missions Game-Changer
03/25/2020 - Responding to Coronavirus
03/19/2020 - Fortieth Annual Backpacking Adventure: Mountains and Why We Still Love Them
03/05/2020 - J. Gresham Machen A Biographical Memoir – the Audiobook
03/01/2020 - A Social Media Guide for Churches
02/20/2020 - What Is Amillennialism?
02/03/2020 - Maintaining Peace in the Church
01/22/2020 - Presbytery Diaconal Summit IV
01/13/2020 - 2020 Shiloh Institute: Register Now!
01/08/2020 - A New Church Planting Effort in Battle Creek, Michigan
01/01/2020 - The Unexpected Orthodoxy of an Atheist
12/16/2019 - The True Christmas Star
12/01/2019 - Become a Better Churchman Through MTIOPC
11/18/2019 - Thank Offering Video: CFM
11/05/2019 - Thank Offering Video: CHMCE
10/24/2019 - Thank Offering Video: CCE
10/15/2019 - Reformation Day
09/29/2019 - Menominee Missions 2019: Richly Worth the Effort
09/11/2019 - Family Fun and Service on the Jersey Shore
09/01/2019 - Short-Term Missions in Uganda: Uplifting, Educational, and Humbling
08/21/2019 - Deadline Aug 31 to Register for Diaconal Summit
08/08/2019 - Trinity Psalter Hymnal Digital Editions
08/06/2019 - A Person—Not a Cause
07/22/2019 - The Death of Death
07/08/2019 - Summer STMs are Well Underway!
06/26/2019 - Pray for Summer Mission Teams
06/07/2019 - General Assembly Report 2019
05/23/2019 - Serving Two by Two
05/20/2019 - Grieving as a Community
05/13/2019 - The Pursuit of Wisdom
04/30/2019 - A Public Statement on the Shooting at the Chabad Synagogue
04/13/2019 - How Does God's Word Regard the Human Fetus?
03/28/2019 - The Benefits of Reading the Puritans
03/19/2019 - This Way to the Boardwalk Chapel!
03/15/2019 - A Growing Witness in Virginia Beach
03/11/2019 - Are We Schismatics?
02/25/2019 - Summer Short-Term Missions: Plan Now!
02/15/2019 - Singles of NAPARC
02/04/2019 - 2019 Shiloh Institute: Register Now!
01/28/2019 - The Sacraments as Visible Words
01/23/2019 - Contending Earnestly for the Faith Once for All Delivered unto the Saints
01/16/2019 - Will I Ever Be Able To Retire?
01/08/2019 - A Prayer
01/01/2019 - J. Gresham Machen
12/18/2018 - Song of the Nativity
12/03/2018 - Announcing Spring MTIOPC
11/26/2018 - “For Still Our Ancient Foe Doth Seek to Work Us Woe”
11/09/2018 - Thank Offering: Foreign Missions
10/26/2018 - Thank Offering: Home Missions
10/22/2018 - Thank Offering: Christian Education
10/16/2018 - Psalter Hymnal Videos
10/10/2018 - OPC Hurricane Relief: Let Brotherly Love Continue
10/01/2018 - Hurricane Florence Relief Assessment
09/22/2018 - Hurricane Florence: Pray. Give. Serve.
09/18/2018 - The Power of Prayer
09/13/2018 - The Purposes of Church Discipline
09/06/2018 - Church Discipline – The Third Mark of a True Church
08/29/2018 - Facing the Unexpected on Short-Term Missions Trips
08/22/2018 - Building a Culture of Evangelism in Anaheim Hills
08/13/2018 - Trinity Psalter Hymnal on GCP.ORG
08/01/2018 - Like Sailing Before the Wind
07/24/2018 - Godly, Friendly, Talented, Committed Missionaries
07/11/2018 - The Reading of Scripture in Worship
06/27/2018 - MTIOPC's Fall Offerings
06/15/2018 - Rev. John Hilbelink Honored at GA
06/12/2018 - 2018 GA Report
06/08/2018 - Recovering Preachers and Preaching
05/29/2018 - The Beginning and the End of Worship
05/19/2018 - Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Update: Rebirth
05/13/2018 - They “adopted” a Home Missionary – You can, too!
05/09/2018 - Reverence or Joy in Worship?
04/26/2018 - Who Can Do Any Good?
04/13/2018 - A Sustained Work of Mercy: Hurricane Relief in Houston
04/05/2018 - The Church and Her Ordinances
04/03/2018 - Making the Most of Membership Classes
03/26/2018 - The Resurrection of Christ
03/21/2018 - Puerto Rico Ordination and Installation
03/13/2018 - I Don't Want to Join the Church!
03/02/2018 - Churches Helping Churches: Neon OPC Master Bath Rebuild
02/20/2018 - Dear Stephen and Elizabeth
02/09/2018 - Engineering and the Wisdom of God
02/01/2018 - Summer Short-Term Missions
01/23/2018 - Final Call for MTIOPC Classes!
01/15/2018 - New Horizons on Facebook
01/02/2018 - For Me to Live is Christ: A Biography of E.J. Young
12/26/2017 - Trinity Psalter Hymnal Announcement
12/22/2017 - What We Celebrate at Christmas
12/18/2017 - Seeking Godly Young Men
11/27/2017 - New Instructor Joins MTIOPC Spring Lineup
11/16/2017 - Thank Offering Video: Worldwide Outreach
11/01/2017 - Thank Offering Video #3: Foreign Missions
10/26/2017 - Thank Offering Video #2: Home Missions
10/19/2017 - Thank Offering Video #1: Christian Education
10/09/2017 - Introducing Catechesis
10/02/2017 - Disaster Response is a Form of Short-Term Missions
09/25/2017 - Ministry Teams at the Boardwalk Chapel
09/18/2017 - Hurricane Harvey: OPC Relief Work in Texas
09/12/2017 - Tragedy: Discerning God's Will
09/10/2017 - Alert! Pray for OP Churches in the Path of Irma!
09/05/2017 - Hurricane Harvey: Volunteers Needed (How to Donate)
08/31/2017 - Hurricane Harvey: The Work Ahead (How to Donate)
08/28/2017 - Houston Flooding Update (How To Donate)
08/16/2017 - Team Utah: Good Works Prepared Beforehand
08/09/2017 - Venture Missions: A Place That Needs the Gospel
08/02/2017 - Man's Chief End
07/11/2017 - Church of Christ by James Bannerman
06/26/2017 - Tithing and the Resurrection
06/18/2017 - Remaining Steadfast When the Desert Calls
06/15/2017 - Happening now: Thursday-Saturday June 15-17, 2017: OPC Diaconal Summit
06/02/2017 - 2017 General Assembly
05/25/2017 - Refugee Relief: Good Samaritans in Greece
05/15/2017 - A Media Presence For The OPC
05/09/2017 - History Camp and other offerings at The Machen Retreat & Conference Center
04/30/2017 - Carving out a Home in Williamsport
04/16/2017 - Refresh Your Hebrew through MTIOPC
04/12/2017 - 2017 Shiloh Institute: Register Now Before the April 15 Deadline!
04/07/2017 - Jesus' "Triumphal" Entry: Mark 11:1-11
03/30/2017 - MTIOPC Offers New Courses and Instructors for Summer 2017
03/23/2017 - The Heart Undivided: How Believers Struggle with Doubt
03/16/2017 - The Heart Divided: When Believers Struggle with Doubt
03/06/2017 - Alcohol and the OPC: Pastoral Perspectives
02/27/2017 - Alcohol and the OPC – An Historical Perspective
02/16/2017 - Not To Be Served, but To Serve
02/07/2017 - The Boardwalk Chapel: Recap of 2016 and Plans for 2017
01/31/2017 - Registration Opens Today for National Diaconal Summit
01/21/2017 - Machen and Mencken
01/10/2017 - The Spirituality of the Church
01/01/2017 - Remembering Who You Are in 2017
12/26/2016 - MTIOPC: Book of Discipline
12/20/2016 - Jesus and His Mother
12/12/2016 - Verbalizing Grief
12/01/2016 - 2017 Timothy Conference
11/21/2016 - Thank Offering Video: Worldwide Outreach
11/14/2016 - Abundant Thanks for the 2016 Thank Offering
11/07/2016 - Thank Offering Video #5: Foreign Missions
10/31/2016 - Thank Offering Video #4: Home Missions
10/24/2016 - Choosing the Good Portion
10/17/2016 - Thank Offering Video #3: Christian Education
10/11/2016 - Thank Offering Video #2: Worldwide Outreach
09/26/2016 - New Booklet on the Inspiration of Scripture
09/10/2016 - Short-Term Missions: A Model of Churches Helping Churches
08/29/2016 - Huron Ohio
08/23/2016 - Communion with God
07/27/2016 - The Late Afternoon Workers
07/11/2016 - Reformation in Virginia Beach
06/30/2016 - The Trinity Psalter Hymnal
06/08/2016 - The 83rd General Assembly
05/20/2016 - A Reformation in Queens
05/07/2016 - What Is the Reformed Faith?
04/28/2016 - Major Tom, Grizzly Adams and the Desperado
04/04/2016 - A Presbytery Historian???
04/01/2016 - More Pins in the Map
03/25/2016 - Resurrecting the Resurrection
03/17/2016 - Diaconal Outreach to Victims of Flint Water Crisis
02/26/2016 - Summer Missionary Internship Opportunity in Ukraine
02/15/2016 - The Way of True Happiness: A Meditation on Psalm 1
02/01/2016 - Visually Engaging the Lost in Your Town
01/15/2016 - Small Churches Help Children Grow Tall
01/04/2016 - Cornelius Van Til and the Identity of the OPC
12/18/2015 - Why Did God Become a Man?
12/10/2015 - The Refugee Crisis
12/01/2015 - Missions Review
11/20/2015 - Generous Hearts Offer Generous Thanks
11/13/2015 - Thank Offering Video #5: Foreign Missions
11/06/2015 - Thank Offering Video #4: Home Missions
10/30/2015 - Thank Offering Video #3: Christian Education
10/22/2015 - Thank Offering Video #2: Worldwide Outreach
10/13/2015 - Thank Offering Video #1: How to Promote the Thank Offering
09/28/2015 - Three Years After Hurricane Sandy, Relief Work Continues
09/14/2015 - A Spring and Summer of CEIR Service
09/08/2015 - Are You Tuned In to the OPC S.T.O.R.M. Report?
08/21/2015 - A Zeal That Can Only Be Inspired by the Spirit
08/11/2015 - The OPC and Abortion
07/19/2015 - Helping the Victims of Domestic Violence
07/11/2015 - July Arrivals
07/01/2015 - Over Fifty OP Churches Represented on STM Teams This Summer
06/23/2015 - What is a Presbyterian?
06/04/2015 - The 82nd General Assembly
05/11/2015 - Preparing for STMs with Prayer
05/01/2015 - OPC Summer School: MTIOPC
04/17/2015 - Houston, We Have a Solution
04/08/2015 - Beauty Amidst Depravity
03/26/2015 - Anxiety Attacks
03/17/2015 - 2015 Shiloh Institute: Register Now!
03/06/2015 - New Name, New Location in Naples
02/23/2015 - General Assembly Registration
02/12/2015 - Summer 2015 Short-Term Missions
02/04/2015 - God's Work in Neon
01/24/2015 - In Acceptance You Have Peace
01/21/2015 - MTIOPC Update
01/12/2015 - The 2015 BCO: Now Available!
01/02/2015 - New Year's Resolutions
12/22/2014 - The Virgin Birth
12/15/2014 - D17 Summit II
12/09/2014 - Used by the Lord while Teaching English
12/01/2014 - MTIOPC 2015 Course Offerings
11/25/2014 - A Thanksgiving Jewel
11/17/2014 - Gaithersburg Group Gathers Steam
11/01/2014 - Thank Offering 2014: Extraordinary Giving for Extraordinary Ministry
10/27/2014 - The Lion Still Roars
10/14/2014 - Christ Proclaims a Better Way
10/06/2014 - Reformation in Colombia: Part 2
09/29/2014 - Reformation in Colombia
09/18/2014 - The Story Behind the Story of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
09/10/2014 - Sowing the Seeds of the Gospel
09/02/2014 - The Next Generation in Haiti…Walking in the Truth
08/28/2014 - Putting Youth Back into the Ministry
08/22/2014 - Christians Fleeing Iraq
08/07/2014 - Don’t Grow Weary
07/26/2014 - Glenn Jerrell, RHM
07/18/2014 - Teacher Needed for Missionary Kids in Uganda
07/07/2014 - Constraining Love
06/30/2014 - The Lord’s Grace Shining Forth
06/20/2014 - Evangelism Conference
06/05/2014 - The 81st General Assembly
05/20/2014 - Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats?
05/07/2014 - New City Fellowship
04/30/2014 - Your Help is Requested
04/22/2014 - Saving Faith and Infant Baptism
04/12/2014 - The Resurrection: A Future Look
04/07/2014 - Learning to Preach Christ in Every Sermon
04/01/2014 - Boardwalk Chapel Needs Skilled Workers in May!
03/20/2014 - A New Home for Hillsdale OPC
03/10/2014 - Help Present a VBS in Cincinnati, Ohio: June 9–13, 2014
02/26/2014 - 2014 Shiloh Institute: Register Now!
02/17/2014 - Reaching the Next Generation
02/07/2014 - Things Christians Struggle With, Part 2: Betrayal
01/31/2014 - Things Christians Struggle With, Part 1: Trials
01/17/2014 - Tucson Church Celebrates Past, Looks to Future
01/10/2014 - Update: Wall-building Project in Haiti
01/01/2014 - The Comforter
12/16/2013 - Why Did God Become a Man?
12/02/2013 - Expounding the Word of God
11/01/2013 - The 2013 Thank Offering: Giving that Helps the Church Serve
10/21/2013 - Reformation—Then and Now
10/12/2013 - Does the Bible Teach Calvinism?
09/24/2013 - No Rolling Stones!
09/05/2013 - Evangelism: Its Goal and Motive
08/26/2013 - Serving God Where We Are
08/15/2013 - Live in the Fear of God
07/30/2013 - Prayer and Our Missions
07/15/2013 - What is Presbyterianism?
07/01/2013 - Stewardship in the Shorter Catechism
06/06/2013 - The 80th General Assembly
05/15/2013 - Proposed Psalter Selections Posted
05/07/2013 - A Sandy Response of Thanks
04/26/2013 - Presbyterians and Sexuality
04/14/2013 - Summer Institute: Register Now!
04/02/2013 - Keeping the Unity
03/16/2013 - Dentistry Comes to Karamoja
03/08/2013 - Letters from Prison: A Request for Prayer
02/28/2013 - Larger Catechism Bulletin Inserts Available Now
02/13/2013 - Practical Presbyterianism
02/04/2013 - Are you Ready for the Pastoral Ministry?
01/26/2013 - Help the OPC Grow Godly Ministers!
01/22/2013 - Last Opportunity to Enroll in MTIOPC
01/14/2013 - Your Involvement in Missions
01/01/2013 - Don’t Get Anything out of the Worship Service
12/21/2012 - Korean Christmases I Have Known
12/03/2012 - Welcome to the New Home Missions General Secretary
11/18/2012 - 2013 OPC Timothy Conference
11/13/2012 - Thank Offering to the Rescue
11/06/2012 - Update from Long Island
11/02/2012 - Hurricane Sandy’s Impact on the OPC
10/30/2012 - The OPC Assesses Hurricane Sandy
10/29/2012 - OPC Prepares for Hurricane Sandy
10/24/2012 - The Reformation: The Great Substitution
10/01/2012 - How to Pray in the New Day
09/11/2012 - A Letter of Thanks for Japan Disaster Response Support (PDF)
08/24/2012 - No Boredom Witnessing on the Boardwalk
08/15/2012 - The Lost Art of Apologetics
08/01/2012 - It’s Almost Fall Semester. Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?
06/25/2012 - The Touchables
06/07/2012 - The 79th General Assembly
05/25/2012 - Cornelius Van Til and the Identity of the OPC
05/15/2012 - OPC.org Mobile Goes Live!
05/02/2012 - Last chance to register for Diaconal Summit II, June 7–9, 2012 at Wheaton College
04/24/2012 - People Who Say and Do Strange Things
04/10/2012 - MTIOPC - Summer 2012
04/01/2012 - Resurrection Living
03/15/2012 - OPC Summer Institute 2012
03/01/2012 - Diaconal Summit II
02/22/2012 - Intern Deadline Looms - Feb. 29
02/08/2012 - New Online Editions
02/01/2012 - Thank Offering 2011
01/16/2012 - Readiness for Ministry in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Seminars
01/03/2012 - Last Chance to Sign Up for MTIOPC Classes
12/10/2011 - The 2012 OPC Timothy Conference: Seeking God’s Call for Your Life, One Step at a Time
12/01/2011 - Churches Help to Form Seminarians into Pastors
11/24/2011 - Registration is Open for MTIOPC Courses
11/18/2011 - OPCSTM.org
11/10/2011 - OPC Diaconal Summit II
11/01/2011 - Abounding in Thanksgiving: The OPC’s 2011 Thank Offering
10/24/2011 - Reformation Essentials
10/13/2011 - Home Missions Launches CHMCE.org
10/01/2011 - The Work of the Holy Spirit
09/22/2011 - The Doctrines of Grace
08/31/2011 - Joy in the Journey: Beccas Story
08/19/2011 - Is Church Membership Optional?
08/01/2011 - The OPCs “Official” Hymn
07/11/2011 - Summer OPC Short-Term Missions
06/27/2011 - 75th Anniversary Media
06/08/2011 - The 78th General Assembly
05/26/2011 - New Volumes Available!
05/04/2011 - Summer Camps and Conferences
04/28/2011 - Summer Institute Application Deadline Extended to May 4
04/18/2011 - The Reality of the Resurrection
04/07/2011 - 75th Anniversary Banquet
03/21/2011 - Great East Japan Earthquake, Update 12: Lauers and RCJ Diaconal
03/11/2011 - Tsunami in Japan
03/10/2011 - Registration for GA
03/01/2011 - OPC Summer Institute 2011
02/02/2011 - Internship Opportunities
01/17/2011 - Register for the OPC 75th!
01/06/2011 - Teaching Children to Worship
12/09/2010 - 2011 Timothy Conference
12/02/2010 - Communion With God
11/01/2010 - Thank Offering: The Big Stretch for 2010
10/18/2010 - Meet Our First Short-Term Missions Coordinator: David Nakhla
10/07/2010 - Reformation Needed Today
09/13/2010 - Is the Bible Enough?
08/19/2010 - The Certain Success of Evangelism
07/26/2010 - The Presbyterian Guardian (1935-1979) Now Available on OPC.ORG
07/08/2010 - The 77th General Assembly
06/09/2010 - Diaconal Summit: Part 2
06/05/2010 - The Diaconal Summit
05/15/2010 - Cancer and the Joy of Total Depravity
04/26/2010 - Study the OPC Distinctives this Summer with MTIOPC
04/07/2010 - Women's Retreats and Presbyterials
04/01/2010 - Declared to Be the Son of God by His Resurrection
03/15/2010 - OPC Summer Institute
03/01/2010 - Serving the Lord as Chaplains
02/01/2010 - Marriage: A Good Thing
01/19/2010 - Haiti Earthquake: A Church Responds
01/14/2010 - Watching God “Roll the Stone Away” in Haiti
01/13/2010 - Earthquake in Haiti
01/01/2010 - MTIOPC Courses Offer OPC Distinctives
12/15/2009 - Seeking a New Generation of Pastors
12/01/2009 - Readiness for Ministry Seminars
11/01/2009 - Thank Offering 2009 - All Things Through Christ
10/30/2009 - A Call to Reformation
10/05/2009 - Don’t Go to Church!
09/17/2009 - Summer Camp Reports
09/14/2009 - The Fear of the Lord
09/09/2009 - A Special Season of Prayer
08/01/2009 - College Ministry in the OPC
07/15/2009 - WWO Thanks!
07/01/2009 - Deacons’ Summit
06/15/2009 - The Lost Art and Practice of Family Devotions
05/28/2009 - 2009 GA Report
05/01/2009 - Study the OPC Distinctives this Summer with MTIOPC
04/01/2009 - Calvin Conference at the Machen Retreat Center
03/15/2009 - Why Catechize?
03/01/2009 - Called to Suffering
02/01/2009 - Cornelius Van Til
01/15/2009 - OPC Summer Institute
01/01/2009 - OPC Timothy Conference
12/01/2008 - MTIOPC - Spring Semester
11/01/2008 - Let’s Give Thanks! Our Thank Offering 2008
10/15/2008 - Reformation Day
10/01/2008 - Helps for Worship
09/01/2008 - What about Prophecy and Tongues Today?
08/01/2008 - Aiding the Churches
07/11/2008 - 2008 GA Report
07/01/2008 - Right with God
06/13/2008 - Disaster Relief to Myanmar
05/15/2008 - VBS Outreach, Within Reach
05/01/2008 - The Inspiration of Scripture
04/15/2008 - Reformed or Reforming?
04/01/2008 - A Sign of Hope
03/01/2008 - That Offends Me!
01/22/2008 - Introducing: Worldwide Outreach!
01/10/2008 - Readiness for Ministry in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
01/01/2008 - Training for Godliness
12/01/2007 - California Fires: The OPC Response
11/01/2007 - That They May Be One!
10/27/2007 - California Wildfire Update
10/24/2007 - Wildfires Threaten Churches
10/01/2007 - Ministry Behind Bars
09/01/2007 - Why the OPC Baptizes Infants
08/21/2007 - The Boardwalk Chapel
08/01/2007 - MTIOPC Fall Semester
07/16/2007 - Vows Christians Make
07/01/2007 - The God-Breathed Scripture
06/12/2007 - 2007 General Assembly Report
06/01/2007 - New WWO Brochure
05/16/2007 - Home Missions and Church Extension
05/01/2007 - OPC Interviews: Mrs. Egbert Andrews
04/23/2007 - New Publications Available Online!
04/15/2007 - Meredith G. Kline 1922-2007
04/01/2007 - OPC Interviews: George Haney
03/23/2007 - The Sheridan Fire
03/01/2007 - Staying Connected
02/01/2007 - Ordained Servant
01/01/2007 - The Revised Directory for Public Worship
12/01/2006 - OPC Internships - 2007
11/01/2006 - A Better Possession
10/07/2006 - Christian Suffering
09/30/2006 - The Rev. Russell D. Piper
09/15/2006 - Hear It Preached!
09/01/2006 - New OPC Store Online!
08/17/2006 - Ministerial Training Institute
08/01/2006 - Report on Justification
07/20/2006 - PR and NJ—Perfect Together!
06/12/2006 - Revisiting the 'Division of 1937'
06/03/2006 - 2006 General Assembly Offering
05/11/2006 - Sweet Summer Fellowship, OPC Style
05/06/2006 - Matt Baugh Funeral Information
05/05/2006 - Update on Matt Baugh Family
05/04/2006 - Missionary Matt Baugh Killed in Haiti
04/01/2006 - Praying in Jesus' Name
03/01/2006 - Stamps for Missions
02/13/2006 - Operation Disaster Relief
01/13/2006 - New Editor Named for Ordained Servant
01/01/2006 - Helping Fellowship OPC
12/01/2005 - Helping the Household of Faith
10/27/2005 - A New Digital Face for the OPC
09/30/2005 - The Responsibilities of an Army Chaplain
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