On May 4, 2006 OPC foreign missionary Matthew D. Baugh, on his way to meet another missionary, was killed in a traffic accident in Haiti. His memorial service was held in Mississippi on May 11, 2006. The Committee on Foreign Missions set up the "Widows and Minor Dependents of Deceased Missionaries Relief Fund" to aid Matt's widow and five young children. Below, for the record, are the stories that appeared on the OPC website, together with information for those wishing to donate.
May 4, 2006. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whose resurrection we have been born again to a living hope. This is Mark Bube, reporting from the Committee on Foreign Missions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
With sad hearts, we regret to inform you that the Rev. Matthew D. Baugh, OP missionary to Haiti, was killed in a motorcycle accident this morning. He died on the way to the hospital. His wife, Shannon, was with him in the transport.
No information is yet available regarding funeral arrangements, etc. Lord willing, Associate General Secretary the Rev. Douglas B. Clawson and his wife, Pat, together with Matt's mother, are leaving for Haiti tonight, and should be in Port-au-Prince tomorrow morning.
Matt is survived by his wife, Shannon, and five children: Andrew (10), Laura (8), SaraGrace (6), Jessica (5), and Margaret (2). Please keep them much in your prayers.
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die' " (John 11:25�26).
Mark T. Bube, General Secretary
Committee on Foreign Missions
May 5, 2006. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is at the right hand of God interceding for us. This is Mark Bube, reporting for Telenews from the Committee on Foreign Missions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
We continue to grieve over the news that OPC missionary to Haiti the Rev. Matthew D. Baugh was killed yesterday when the motorcycle he was riding was hit head-on by a "tap-tap" (a pickup truck converted into a taxi). Matt was in the proper lane, and the tap-tap swerved into his lane to avoid a pothole; Matt tried, but was unable to get out of his way in time. Associate General Secretary the Rev. Douglas B. Clawson and his wife, Pat, together with Matt's mother and stepfather, and close family friend, the Rev. Arie van Eyk, all arrived in Haiti this morning. Douglas and Arie are scheduled to identify the body tomorrow, and arrangements are being made to return Matt's remains and the family to the States as soon as possible thereafter. Arrangements are also being made for funeral and memorial services, but until the body is released, the dates cannot be finalized. We anticipate announcing them in another special edition of Telenews, in a mailing to the OPC alias list, and on the OPC.ORG website.
It has also become apparent that his wife, Shannon, and their five children, ages two to ten, will need significant help in the years to come. In consultation with representatives of the Diaconal Committee of the Presbytery of the South and the OPC's Committee on Diaconal Ministries, the Committee on Foreign Missions has established a "Widows and Minor Dependents of Deceased Missionaries Relief Fund," to which gifts may be sent (see address below) to help the family get established back in the States and provide for their needs. Matt was thirty-seven at the time of his death. His life and ministry had a profound effect on those who knew him and grew to love him. Please keep Shannon and the children in your prayers, that they might know they have a real heavenly Father who loves his own with an everlasting love, who spared not even his very own Son for the redemption of his precious ones, and who orders all things—even the really tough ones—for the good of those who love him.
Mark T. Bube, General Secretary
Committee on Foreign Missions
May 6, 2006. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who loses none of all that the Father has given him, but raises them up on the last day. This is Mark Bube, reporting for Telenews from the Committee on Foreign Missions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
This is to update you with information regarding the memorial service, etc., for the Rev. Matthew D. Baugh, OP missionary to Haiti, who was killed in a motorcycle accident this past Thursday while he was on his way to meet another missionary.
A memorial service to thank our Lord for the life of his servant will be conducted on Thursday, May 11, 2:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church (PCA), 231 N. Washington St., Yazoo City, MS 39194-4226 (Tel: 662-746�1226). Sympathy cards and notes for the family may be addressed to:
Mrs. Shannon Baugh
c/o Mrs. Barbara Freeman
P.O. Box 836
Tchula, MS 39169-0836
Gifts to assist Shannon and their five children, ages two to ten, in getting established back in the States and to help provide for their needs may be sent to:
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
The Committee on Foreign Missions
ATTN: Missionary Widows Fund
P.O. Box P
Willow Grove, PA 19090-0920
Lord willing, Shannon and the children plan to return to the States on Monday, May 8, and stay with Matt's folks in the Tchula, Mississippi, area. Please continue to keep the Baugh family in your prayers in the days and weeks to come.
"For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another" (Job 19:25�27).
Mark T. Bube, General Secretary
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
The Committee on Foreign Missions
607 N. Easton Road, Building E
P. O. Box P
Willow Grove, PA 19090-0920 USA
Tel: 215-830-0900
Fax: 215-830-0350
E-mail: bube.1@opc.org
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