
August 26, 2013 News

Stated Clerk's Letter to Churches


Attached you will find a letter to sessions detailing the various actions of the 80th General Assembly that impact local congregations. Also attached is a sheet showing the requests for contributions to various causes that were made by that Assembly and the addresses to which contributions are to be sent. Most of you receiving this particular email are ministers who have an opc.org address. Since we do not have email addresses for all clerks of session, we are sending this out also via the opc.org alias list. Some of you on the alias list are not ministers and some who are ministers are not pastors of Orthodox Presbyterian congregations. If one of these is your situation, you may simply hit the delete button. You may, however, find the attachments of interest.

If you are a pastor of an O.P. congregation, I am requesting that, when you receive this email, you do two things:

  1. Pass the attachments on to your clerk of session
  2. Check to see if he received them as well. If not, we probably don't have his email address or possibly even his name. Please email me or have him email me at statedclerk@opc.org giving his name, address, phone number, email address and name of the church.

Having access to this information will greatly assist me in my work as Stated Clerk. Thank you very much for your help in this matter.

Download the attachments: Letter to sessions; GA requests for 2014.

Yours in Christ,

George R. Cottenden
Stated Clerk
General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
607 N. Easton Rd., Building E
Willow Grove, PA 19090-2539


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