
January 15, 2014 News

New Booklet on Coming under Care, Licensure and Ordination Available

The Subcommittee on Ministerial Training of the Committee on Christian Education has published the new booklet Reforming Our Expectations: Overseeing the Credentialing Process in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. This is a unique booklet in that it will not be for sale but will be primarily for the use of the presbyteries in examining and ordaining men. It gives an overview of the process of coming under care, licensure and ordination of men seeking to becoming ministers of the Word in Christ’s church.

God’s people are to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:38). The process of coming under care, licensure and ordination assists the church in identifying those whom the Lord of the harvest is sending out. It is our prayer that this new booklet would encourage the raising up a new generation of ministers in Christ’s church. It will also be a help to pulpit committees and interested church members seeking to understand the process.

Though the booklet is copyrighted, permission is hereby given for individuals to print out one copy for their own use.

To access the booklet, click here.


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