
June 17, 2016 News

Director of Learning Enrichment Services Sought

The person serving in this role will oversee all aspects of Learning Enrichment Services (LES) at Zion Christian School, a preschool–12 school in Byron Center, Michigan. LES serves students who need special academic support. The primary purpose of this role is to ensure that all student needs are being met, that duties are appropriately divided among LES staff according to their gifts, and that LES provides continuity across the grade levels. Other aspects of this job include: ensuring good communication with parents; facilitating and guiding meetings with teachers of LES students; finalizing all written reports and report cards; coordinating staff development and education; administering and/or delegating academic testing. Applicants should have a Bachelor's Degree or higher in Special Education, 5+ years experience working in a Resource Room or Special Education, and match Zion's philosophy statement, which is available on the school's website.

Interested applicants should contact Todd Hoekstra, Zion Christian School Administrator, at thoekstra@zionchristian.net.

Todd Hoekstra

Zion Christian School
7555 Byron Center Ave.
Byron Center, MI 49315
P: (616) 878-9472
Website: www.zionchristian.net


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