
October 01, 2017 News

Fredericksburg, VA Reformation Conference

Join Bethel Reformed OPC on Saturday, Nov. 4 as we gather to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation and learn more about integral players in the movement. Dr. Alan Strange will be giving three talks:

  • Luther and other Reformers: What’s all the fuss in Europe about?
  • The Reformation in America: Before the Civil War
  • The Reformation in America: Since the Civil War

The church will be hosting a free dinner on Saturday evening after the day’s lectures.

Dr. Alan Strange is a Professor of Church History at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Illinois. Professor Strange is an associate pastor at New Covenant Community Church (OPC) in New Lenox, Illinois. He serves on the Committee on Christian Education and the Board of Trustees of Great Commission Publications for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and Presbyterian Church of America. He also served as the Moderator of the 75th OPC General Assembly.

Sat, November 4, 2017
2:00 PM–8:00 PM EDT
Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church
9304 Onyx Court
Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reformation-legacy-conference-tickets-35775983931?aff=efbeventtix



+1 215 830 0900

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