
May 22, 2023 News

Springfield, Ohio

Living Water OPC in Springfield, Ohio, is seeking either a Co-Pastor or Associate Pastor of Discipleship. The Co-Pastor would share the preaching, teaching, and shepherding duties of our young and growing congregation with the current pastor as best fits their combined giftings and experience. Shared preaching duties would include Lord’s Day worship and other occasional services throughout the year. Teaching duties include Sunday School and multiple Home Groups and Bible studies throughout the week. The Co-Pastor would also be included in the session’s current shepherding plan that includes visiting each household at least once per year. With such a young congregation, there is a constant need for discipleship and counseling with individuals and families. Three years of experience as an ordained minister in the OPC or other church of like faith and practice is desired.

The Associate Pastor of Discipleship would focus on discipling through teaching and counseling the large percentage of our congregation that are both young in age and in the Reformed faith. The Associate Pastor’s primary responsibilities would be in discipling and counseling both the many young resident members of Living Water and the roughly 40 Cedarville University students that are part of our congregation during the school year. Additionally, there are two other secular colleges in Springfield, Wittenberg University, a private liberal arts school, and Clark State, a local community college. We would love to establish an outreach presence for evangelism on campus at both schools. Finally, the Associate Pastor would also seek to grow in his preaching ministry, leading worship, preaching, and teaching Sunday School once per month on average. No prior ordained ministry experience is required, but the candidate would need to either be licensed or able to be licensed and ordained by the Presbytery of Ohio as soon as possible.

Living Water OPC was organized in 2017 after two years as a church plant of Covenant OPC in Vandalia, OH. Over the past six years, the Lord has blessed us with continual growth and the church now averages 95-100 in attendance on Sunday mornings during the school year. The congregation is quite young, with more than 60% of the members and regular attenders being under the age of 30. The congregation is primarily composed of single professionals, newly married couples, empty nesters, and a handful of young families.

For further information contact Daniel Doleys, pastor.


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