
The OPC Timothy Conference is a ministry of the Committee on Christian Education conducted through its Subcommittee on Ministerial Training (SMT). Its purpose is to challenge young Orthodox Presbyterian men in their late high school and early college years (ages 16-21) to consider the gospel ministry as God's calling for their life. Instituted in 2008, the conference was conceived by Dr. David VanDrunen as a means for helping the churches of the OPC identify young men with potential gifts for the ministry.

The Timothy Conference is designed to arise out of the life of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in all its aspects. Thus, in order to attend the young men must be communicant members who have been nominated by their session. They must be willing to adjust their academic workload to attend the two days of the conference, and they may expect that the OPC will cover all the expenses associated with sending them to it. Speakers at the conference will all be OP ministers with a good mix of experience in pastoral ministry, seminary instruction, and missionary labors. The conference location is intentionally moved around the country to areas where there are OP churches that can serve as hosts and a nearby Reformed seminary with a track record of training men for ministry in the OPC and with OP ministers serving on its faculty.

The OPC Timothy Conference has been enthusiastically received by the church and by the young men who have attended. It is intentionally being kept small in order to facilitate the fellowship between the young men and their instructors, as well as with each other.

New Horizons: September 2011

75 Years of God's Goodness to the OPC

Also in this issue

Almost Heaven: The 78th General Assembly

English—An Open Door in Quebec

The Task of Christian Education

Woman to Woman: Life in Exile

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