Loving Our Neighbors Together: Reformed-Catholic Cooperation?
by Michael S. Horton
Inclusive Salvation in Contemporary Catholicism
by David M. VanDrunen
by Michael S. Horton
On a host of doctrinal and practical concerns, the challenge often is to avoid the extreme either of confusing things that should be distinguished or separating things that should be held together. A case in point is evangelism and social justice. Evangelicalism has long been divided over this question. Charles Finney, leader of the Second Great Awakening, called the church a "moral reform society," while a later generation would follow the pioneering remark of evangelist D. L. Moody, who compared the world to a sinking ship. We're only left here to save as many souls as we can, Moody argued. And now the pendulum seems to be swinging in the other direction, away from Moody and back toward Finney. There are many things that could be said regarding the deeper theological issues, but my point in this brief space is to address the question of Roman Catholic and Reformed cooperation in the civil sphere, specifically related to mercy ministry. First, it's important to note that the Reformed tradition ... Read more
by David M. VanDrunen
Although debates between Rome and the Reformation involve many interlocking issues, the doctrine of salvation has always been center stage. Usually this focuses upon the question of how a person is saved. Is one justified by faith in Christ alone, for example, or by faith and works together? But closely connected with how a person is saved is the question of who may be saved. For many years, the Roman Catholic Church taught that people could enjoy eternal life and escape everlasting damnation only by being received into its membership. In recent generations, that teaching has changed. Rome now embraces a very inclusive view that extends the hope of salvation to people of many different religions or even no religion at all, provided they sincerely follow the truth and goodness that they know in their own experience. Although Rome teaches that salvation is always, somehow, mediated through Christ and his church, it does not require explicit contact with the church, the Scriptures, or the proclamation ... Read more
To: From: Dear Aunt June, Picture this. I'm in the dry cleaner's parking lot. I just met with the manager to discuss his new ad in the Little Creek Times. My cell phone rings. It's the recruiting coordinator from Phipps Advertising in Indianapolis (my dream job!) calling to set up an interview for next week. And thenthis is the unbelievable partwithin the hour, the phone rings and it's a partner from that small design firm in nearby Jackson. She tells me that they are looking to hire an associate and want to meet me. Suddenly, I've got two interviews next week after hearing nothing since my interviews on campus. You've probably heard of Phipps. They're a big name regionally and have clients coast-to-coast. It would be very challenging and exciting workeventually. For the first few years, I'd be in a back office with little client contact. Not so with the small Jackson firm. I would be one of five designers and would have the ... Read more
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