
August 2000 New Horizons

67th General Assembly



The Sixty-seventh General Assembly

'All the Lonely - Local and International - People'

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The Sixty-seventh General Assembly

To the southeast of Tacoma, Washington, snow-covered Mt. Rainier looms above the clouds. To the west, the crystal-clear waters of Puget Sound extend into Commencement Bay to form a coastline of striking beauty. To the east is the magnificently forested Cascade Range. Amid this scenic splendor, the commissioners to the Sixty-seventh General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church convened on the campus of Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma on Wednesday, July 5. The Assembly at Worship The Sixty-seventh General Assembly began its work with worship. The singing, prayer, offerings, preaching, and the Lord's Supper signaled that we were standing united in the presence of the living God. Approximately 140 ministers and ruling elders (from all sixteen presbyteries), plus various family members and visitors, were in attendance as the moderator of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly, the Rev. Larry G. Mininger, called the Assembly to order. The worship service included a sermon entitled "Do You Fear ... Read more

'All the Lonely - Local and International - People'

How much would you give for a home-cooked meal? That was the question our international student posed after she and her family shared Thanksgiving with our family. Her answer was $100 worth of appreciation for our hospitality to them as they got better acquainted with their new surroundings. Giuseppina and her family from Venezuela are just one of the reasons why the Harting family of Middletown, Delaware, continues to participate in the host family program for international students at the University of Delaware. How many people reading this article are still living in the first home in which they were raised? How many are residing in the same town, or county, or even state? Many of us as Americans have gone through the uncertain experience of moving between communities, with all the adjustments that that entails. Some would describe that experience as exciting, while others would describe it as scary. Most people, however, feel lonely during some phase of the transition. "All the lonely people, where ... Read more


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