by Danny E. Olinger
On the morning of May 27, 1974, freedom fighters looking for hostages entered the Orthodox Presbyterian Church-operated Mihireta Yesus Hospital (“Compassion of Jesus” Hospital) in Ghinda, Eritrea. Nurse anesthetist Anna Strikwerda, already prepped for that day’s surgeries with mask, green operating gown, and stethoscope, was confronted at gunpoint. In the midst of terrified hospital staff, she exclaimed, “I’m not afraid; I’ll go with them.” Led outside by four men armed with machine guns, Anna saw another hostage that the soldiers had captured coming out of the hospital door, nurse Debbie Dortzbach. Anna said, “Don’t be afraid, Debbie. The Lord is with us.” Yelling at Anna and Debbie to hurry, the mercenaries hit the two women in the back with sticks. The women grabbed hands as they descended a bank behind the building and saw other armed men waiting for them, which caused Anna to cry out, “O Lord, help us!” The men drove Anna and Debbie as if they were animals through the brush ... Read more
by D. Joshua Grimsley
Most Christians, when asked the question, “Have you ever considered whether God might be calling you to the foreign mission field?” would immediately hesitate. “God wouldn’t call me! I don’t have what it takes! There are so many others who are more qualified! Aren’t those chosen for foreign missions usually super Christians?” I think our foreign missionaries would be the first to say that there is nothing “super” about themselves. They don’t see themselves as more qualified or holier than their brothers and sisters in Christ. Piety or zeal didn’t qualify them for missionary work—it was the call of God on their lives to serve his kingdom in distant lands. God called, and they answered. External Call An external call occurs when believers recognize qualifications in others and encourage them to consider God’s calling to serve in his church. Perhaps the most common example of an external call is when a local church formally asks a minister to serve their congregation or ... Read more
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