Orthodox Presbyterian Summer Camps
by Various Authors
Renewal for the Called-out Ones
by Timothy H. Gregson
Live Today ... Treasure Yesterday ... Dream of Tomorrow
by Paul S. MacDonald
by Roger A. Sproul
by Various Authors
Orthodox Presbyterians have supported summer camps and Bible conferences almost from the beginning of the denomination. At present, most of our presbyteries sponsor particular programs, sometimes in tandem with other denominations. Following are brief reports of summer camps and conferences, most of which are sponsored or directed by OP presbyteries. If you haven't already thought about getting involved with one, do so! (A list of these and some other conferences and camps can be found at the back of the OPC Directory, listing people to contact for each one.) Deerwander Bible Conference (New York, New England) Mike and Joan Anderson What is sixty years old and still as young as ever? It's Deerwander Bible Conference! Deerwander Bible Conference was founded in 1938 by the Rev. Burton L. Goddard with help from the Rev. Lawrence Eyres. It was originally called Summer Bible Conference at Deerwander Lodge, which was located in West Hollis, Maine. The lodge was a large, private home on Deerwander ... Read more
by Timothy H. Gregson
Jesus once said to his disciples, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31 nasb). The disciples had just returned from a preaching tour and were weary. They needed time for reflection, but found themselves in a congested and busy place. How they needed to be alone with their Lord and be renewed in his grace! Jesus' call to his disciples would soon lead them to a fuller discovery of the sufficiency of his grace than they had anticipated, for they would witness the feeding of five thousand in that "lonely place." The inspiration for the Machen Retreat and Conference Center (MRCC) is the realization that late twentieth-century Christians are so beset with pressures, temptations, and distractions that they hardly have time or opportunity for spiritual rest and renewal. Secular humanism and corruption have so permeated every facet of society that God's people desperately need to come and rest with Christ for a while in order to restore their appreciation of the sufficiency of his ... Read more
by Paul S. MacDonald
[Mr. MacDonald, an elder at Pilgrim OPC in Bangor, Maine, delivered this commencement address last year at a public high school, before retiring as an English teacher.Editor] Let me encourage you graduates to enjoy the attention you are getting at this point in your life. I know it sometimes seems that if, for one more time, you have to explain to some remote relative who has come to gush over your achievements just what your plans are for next fall, you will croak. But be patient with them. As Garrison Keillor says, high school graduation is one of only two times in your life when people will gather to celebrate your achievementsand the other time you yourself are going to miss by about three days. So make the most of this occasion. In the meantime, though, before that other occasion arises, let me talk for a few minutes about three things. My outline is quite simple. In fact, you graduates are the only ones who may have difficulty following it. That is not an insult. It is just that ... Read more
by Roger A. Sproul
There are a number of ministries aimed at truckers, and some churches have their own local ministries to truckers. Transport for Christ (TFC) was started in 1951. Based in Denver, Pennsylvania, it operates truck stop chapels in the United States and Canada. Chaplains are trained and commissioned for this specialized ministry by the organization. Drivers visiting TFC chapels are offered free Bible correspondence courses. The ministry's monthly devotional magazine, Highway News and Good News, is sent to all financial contributors. TFC provides a list of "trucker-friendly" churches upon request. The TFC statement of faith requires belief in the fundamentals of the faith and allows freedom on nonessentials. Many truck stop owners desire to have a chapel located on their property, because they believe it will discourage illicit activities such as drug trade and prostitution. However, TFC chaplain Dennis Finnamore notes that location is crucial to a chapel's success. When drivers walk past the chapel to get ... Read more
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