by Thomas E. Tyson
by Paul S. MacDonald
by David G. Barker
by Thomas E. Tyson
"Love and marriage/Love and marriage/Go together like a horse and carriage . Today folks are not as sure of this as they used to be. Now the value of marriage, and even the gender of the partners involved in it, are being seriously questioned. It might be well to take a brief look at what the Bible says: "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord" (Prov. 18:22). So, marriage is between a man and a woman, and it is good. It answered a need of Adam even before the Fall: "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'" (Gen. 2:18). Apparently, God's purpose for the man could not be realized until the woman was on the scene! Only then (Gen. 1:27) did God pronounce his creation of mankind "very good" (vs. 31). Thus, celibacy is the exception which proves the rule. Marriage is God's great idea. It is no wonder that in Proverbs 2:17 the adulteress is described as having "ignored the covenant of her God" (NIV, footnote). Marriage ... Read more
by Paul S. MacDonald
Editor's note: This "homily" was delivered at a wedding recently (personal names and references have been removed). Bride and groom, I don't know how far we will get into this book, because I don't know how much time you will let me have, but I want to begin at the beginning! The first words are, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." How about that! God made everything. And when did he do that? In the beginning . All right then, what I want to know now is, what was before the beginning? If, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, that means that before the beginning there were no heavens and no earth. Before the beginning, there was no creation, only the CreatorGod! The concept that there was something before the beginning is a hard one for us to grasp, because our empirical experience is limited to things that have beginnings. It is hard to believe that there can be anyone or anything that has no beginning, that always was and always will ... Read more
by David G. Barker
I did not have a close, long-standing relationship with Dr. Skilton, and therefore even hesitate to write these words. No doubt others could much better express our collective praise and thanksgiving to God for Dr. Skilton's work and his love for God, man, and ministry. But I cannot resist the opportunity to pass on what has been for me a lasting memory. I first met Dr. Skilton during my freshman year at Westminster Seminary in 1979. He had come out of "retirement" yet again, to teach New Testament introduction. The first of many things that struck me about the man were the prayers with which he opened every class. I confess that, due to the animation of his praise, I even peeked once and discovered that he prayed "full body" as well. As I continued through four years at Westminster, I would, of course, come across Dr. Skilton from time to time. But I learned most about him through all the lore regarding the beginnings of the OPC and the history of the seminary. I came to know and appreciate and revere ... Read more
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