by Alan D. Strange
The General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church meets yearly to deal with matters that concern the whole denomination. Since the founding of the denomination in 1936, there has been a general gathering of Orthodox Presbyterian ministers and ruling elders every year (and twice in two early years). This year the 69th GA met in Wenham, Massachusetts, from June 12 to June 18 at the campus of Gordon College on the beautiful North Shore. There were cool and rainy days, as well as warm and sunny ones. The surrounding countryside was lush and green from the rain, and some of the commissioners enjoyed their first view of the Atlantic Ocean. The Genius of Presbyterianism We read in Acts 15 of the first recorded general assembly of the apostles and elders of the burgeoning new covenant church. Such rule by apostles and elders was not new to the church. It had its genesis in the Old Testament. To be sure, the church in the Old Testament did not have the office of apostle, but it did have a like office ... Read more
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