
January 18 Today in OPC History



On this day in 2006, instructors and participants in the Ministerial Training Institute of the OPC were meeting at Lake Sherwood OPC, Orlando, Florida. Organized by MTIOPC administrator, Dr. James Thomas, and with the assistance of members of Lake Sherwood Church for hospitality, three courses were conducted, Westminster Standards, Book of Discipline, and OPC History. G.I. Williamson (Westminster Standards), Stuart Jones (Book of Discipline), and John Muether (OPC History) served as teachers. John Hunt, Peter Moelker, John Shaw, John Grimm, Bill Snodgrass, Ben Miller, Andrew Moody, Rylian Fraas, Bill Shishko, John Fikkert, and David Smiley participated as students. One of the memorable moments occurred in Mr. Williamson's class during the discussion of WCF 16, "of Good Works," and the question of celebrating Christmas. After Mr. Williamson emphasized the distinction between allowing and requiring preaching and worship on Christmas, and encouraged the class to resist the pressure to conform to unbiblical traditions, his good friends, Bill and Margaret Shishko, gave to him a gift bag of Chocolate Santas and some Starbuck's Christmas Blend. Mr. Williamson's embrace of the Shishkos and his smile and laughter led to an eruption of laughter among everyone in the room.

Picture: (top row) Jim Thomas, John Muether; (middle row) John Hunt, Peter Moekler, John Shaw, Stu Jones, John Grimm, Bill Snodgrass; (bottom row) Ben Miller, Andrew Moody, Riley Fraas, G. I. Williamson, Bill Shishko, Margaret Shishko (an observor), John Fikkert, David Smiley.



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