On Monday, August 3, 1936, the Rev. Robert H. Graham, a constituting member of the Presbyterian Church of America when it was formed 53 days earlier, returned early from vacation to Middletown, Delaware, to conduct a funeral of a member of Forest Presbyterian Church where Graham had previously pastored. The local undertaker, however, had invited a Methodist minister to conduct the funeral after hearing that Mr. Graham had been deposed by the Presbytery of New Castle.
The Rev. R. Laird Harris, stated clerk of the Presbytery of Philadelphia, happened to be Graham's pulpit supply for the congregation the previous day. Upon conclusion of the worship service, Harris left a paper with the congregation to give to the undertaker that indicated that Graham was in good standing in the new church. When the undertaker received the letter, he apologized to Mr. Graham who conducted the funeral at the request of the family.
Mr. Graham would help establish Grace OPC in Middletown, Delaware, serving as pastor from 1938-1943.
Picture: Robert and Ruth Graham
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