On August 25, 1942, members of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church were praising the Lord for the safe return of OPC missionaries on the S.S. Gripsholm from the foreign fields of Manchuria and Japan. On the ship were the Rev. and Mrs. Bruce F. Hunt and their children, the Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm Frehn and their daughter, and the Rev. Egbert Andrews.
The US government had informed the Committee on Foreign Missions only a few months earlier that an exchange of the missionaries for Japanese nationals could be arranged. The Committee immediately sent an urgent plea to OP congregations and friends for contributions and $4586 was raised. Mr. Hunt and Mr. Andrews were serving as prisoners of war in a concentration camp in Harbin before the exchange.
In light of the church's response to the need, the Committee on Foreign Missions commented in the pages of the Presbyterian Guardian, "Members and friends of the church are to be congratulated on the sacrificial spirit shown in this excellent response to the appeal. We praise the Lord that He has provided for this need through His people. To the great numbers of friends who gave to this special fund, the Committee on Foreign Missions says a most hearty "THANK YOU."
Picture: Kathy Hunt and children, Katharine, Mary, David, and Bertha, and in the back, Karen Dunn.
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