
January 10 Today in OPC History

Caney, Kansas


On January 10, 1968, Caney Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Caney, Kansas, was established as an official OPC congregation by the Presbytery of the Dakotas. Many in the congregation had previously been affiliated with the United Presbyterian Church in Caney under the ministry of Pastor Bruce Brawdy. However, the adoption of the Confession of 1967 in that denomination led to a vote to withdraw. After the vote narrowly lost, Mr. Brawdy resigned and a minority followed him into the OPC.

Among the pastors following Mr. Brawdy at Caney OPC were Richard Nelson, Dennis Prutow, Leroy Miller, William Miller, Patrick Malone, and Tim Black. In 2016, Caney OPC closed.

Picture: The congregation in 1995.



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